Diesel ELC OAT Premix 50:50 (Red)

  • SHELL Rotella ELC Extended Life 50/50 Antifreeze – 55 Gallon Drum

    SHELL Rotella ELC Extended Life 50/50 Coolant/Antifreeze is a ?Fill for Life? carboxylate base coolant for heavy duty diesel, gasoline and natural gas powered engines. Contains ethylene glycol and nitrite and molybdate as secondary inhibitors. Requires no traditional SCA additions and contains no silicate, borate, nitrate or phosphate. Mixed with deionized water.

  • SHELL Rotella ELC Extended Life 50/50 Antifreeze – 6/1 Gallon Case

    SHELL Rotella ELC Extended Life 50/50 Coolant/Antifreeze is a ?Fill for Life? carboxylate base coolant for heavy duty diesel, gasoline and natural gas powered engines. Contains ethylene glycol and nitrite and molybdate as secondary inhibitors. Requires no traditional SCA additions and contains no silicate, borate, nitrate or phosphate. Mixed with deionized water.

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