Soluble Metalworking Fluids

  • STA-VIS SYN-KOOL D 601.01 – 55 Gallon Drum

    STA-VIS SYN-KOOL D 601.01 is a high quality metalworking fluid recommended for medium to heavy duty machining of high carbon-steel and alloyed special steels with high tensile strength. Syn-Kool D 601.01 is a micro-emulsion, synthetic blend, with a high level of EP-additives, rust inhibitors, biocide package, and a defoamer, and is recommended for medium to heavy duty CNC machining and milling of all types of steel alloys. Also suitable for sawing and grinding operations including creep feed grinding. Excellent results are also achieved in (band) sawing applications on steel alloys. Can be used on ?yellow metals? without staining.

  • STA-VIS SYN-KOOL D 601.01 – 5 Gallon Pail

    STA-VIS SYN-KOOL D 601.01 is a high quality metalworking fluid recommended for medium to heavy duty machining of high carbon-steel and alloyed special steels with high tensile strength. Syn-Kool D 601.01 is a micro-emulsion, synthetic blend, with a high level of EP-additives, rust inhibitors, biocide package, and a defoamer, and is recommended for medium to heavy duty CNC machining and milling of all types of steel alloys. Also suitable for sawing and grinding operations including creep feed grinding. Excellent results are also achieved in (band) sawing applications on steel alloys. Can be used on ?yellow metals? without staining.

  • STA-VIS STA-KOOL Heavy Duty 110 – 6/1 Gallon Case

    STA-VIS STA-KOOL Heavy Duty 110 is a heavy duty water emulsifiable cutting and grinding fluid. It is designed to fit the all-purpose needs of both large and small plant operations. Emulsions will not stain common cast and extruded grades of aluminum. Additives provide excellent tool life and finishes that have traditionally only been associated with straight cutting oils. Combining the good features of a compounded cutting oil with those of regular water emulsions produce a fluid with maximum cooling ability, excellent lubricity and anti-wear properties.

  • STA-VIS STA-KOOL Heavy Duty 110 – 52 Gallon Drum

    STA-VIS STA-KOOL Heavy Duty 110 is a heavy duty water emulsifiable cutting and grinding fluid. It is designed to fit the all-purpose needs of both large and small plant operations. Emulsions will not stain common cast and extruded grades of aluminum. Additives provide excellent tool life and finishes that have traditionally only been associated with straight cutting oils. Combining the good features of a compounded cutting oil with those of regular water emulsions produce a fluid with maximum cooling ability, excellent lubricity and anti-wear properties.

  • STA-VIS STA-KOOL Heavy Duty 110 – 5 Gallon Pail

    STA-VIS STA-KOOL Heavy Duty 110 is a heavy duty water emulsifiable cutting and grinding fluid. It is designed to fit the all-purpose needs of both large and small plant operations. Emulsions will not stain common cast and extruded grades of aluminum. Additives provide excellent tool life and finishes that have traditionally only been associated with straight cutting oils. Combining the good features of a compounded cutting oil with those of regular water emulsions produce a fluid with maximum cooling ability, excellent lubricity and anti-wear properties.

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