SNOWPLOW Extreme Low Temperature Hydraulic Fluid – 1 Quart

SNOWPLOW Extreme Low Temperature Hydraulic Fluid is an anti-wear mineral base hydraulic fluid with an exceptionally high viscosity index (300+) and an extremely low pour point (less than -75oF). Meets Mil-H-5606A. Non-gumming, non-corrosive and highly resistant to oxidation; and is compatible with all seal materials normally found in systems that are designed for use with petroleum oils.

SKU:1026-4485 Categories: ,
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Particularly recommended for equipment that is subject to wide ambient temperature variations; or where power input is limited and increases in torque due lubricant thickening cannot be tolerated.
Additional applications include aircraft hydraulic systems, dock level lifts, hydrostatic transmissions, gun fire-control mechanisms, dash pots, and fluidic systems such as those on numerically controlled lathes, automatic screw machines, etc., or as a lubricant in fine instruments.

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